Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Go Ahead and Laugh!

As I sat on the front row of that Baptist Church in North Carolina, about to get up and share a concert on that Sunday morning, I opened the bulletin. I scrolled through the usual information, and then I saw it. "We welcome today Dawn Smith Jordan, Miss South Carolina and 2nd-runner-up to Miss America 1886." Did you catch that last part? 1886?! I literally almost busted out loud laughing right there in the church. So of course I could not help but make reference to the fact that if I were Miss SC 1886, I was surely lookin' good. The pastor was great to play along, and at the end of the service, he told everyone that I would be at my book and CD table, also selling my amazing wrinkle cream!

Sometimes it is just plain good to laugh. In the midst of the hard. In the midst of broken hearts. To just take a break from the reality of whatever it is that is weighing down your head and heart, and laugh. Proverbs 17:22 says, "A cheerful heart is good medicine, and a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Oh how true that is.

I love to laugh, and I do it quite often. My children, my brother, my family and friends all say that 2 things help them pick me out in a blonde, curly hair (or "fro" as it is affectionately called by my kids and brother), and my laugh. I love that my laugh is that recognizable! So in the midst of the tears, the hardships, the struggles and stress, won't you take a moment to find something that truly delights you, just in that moment, and laugh. Out loud. You will feel so much better.

And as this week is Miss America week, here is a picture for you. Maybe this will help. It's me, Miss SC 1986, NOT 1886! Have a good laugh on me today. Usuaslly it's the hair that gets everyone.  It's my pleasure.

1 comment:

  1. Dawn, you are just as beautiful as you were in high school. Great story. Hugs!
