Thursday, August 28, 2014

God My Shelter

I have heard it said that we are either in the midst of a storm, coming out of one, or heading straight
for another one.  We desperately long to come out of the storms, especially those that drag on.  But often it doesn't appear to be clearing up any time soon.  And so when the sky stays dark, and the waves crash up over the side of our boat, what do we do?  We "fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfector of our faith."  (Hebrews 12:2) If I focus on the storm, I will surely sink down, drown.  But if I focus on my Faithful Father, His faithfulness to me in the past assures me of His faithfulness in the present, and the future.  The future that I cannot see.  The future that on some days I am quite honestly not sure I will make it to. 

When Hannah and Ross will little, if a thunderstorm would come up in the night, I would hear the thunder, and following would be the pitter patter of little feet running down the hall as they both bounded up into my bed.  Although I could do nothing to change or take away the length or severity of the storm, they found comfort in being snuggled up next to their mama while it raged outside.  Safe and secure under the covers and in my arms. 

As an adult, I have experienced enough storms to know that my Father is perfectly capable of removing that storm immediately, but that He may not.  And if He chooses to let it continue to rage, I can find security in His arms.  Scott Krippane wrote in his song, "Sometimes He calms the storm, and other times He calms His child." Psalm 91:1 says, we can rest "within the shadow of the Almighty, sheltered by the God Who is above all gods.  This I declare, He alone is my safety, He is my God, and I am trusting Him."  I've decided that I would rather be on a boat in the storm with Jesus than anywhere else without Him. 

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